...like you have just *lost* your *damn mind*? Ever wonder if the most wonderful thing may just have been poison in disguise? Do you ever think that your best judgment isn't worth its weight after all?
I feel these things. I wonder these things. I think these things.
I'm restless in my own head today. It's been coming on for a few days but came to a head shortly after waking this morning. I don't think it's a "wrong side of the bed" thing, but I suppose there's room for me to be wrong. That's what this day has really been all about, in retrospect.
I tried a few of the usual things to settle my mind. I skipped the news, I had some tea, I went for a walk. The restlessness did not fade. If anything, as the day passed, it grew stronger. I preoccupied myself by worrying about others. I waited to hear from a dear faraway friend, but didn't. I wonder if she's out there, if things are really ok. I busied myself with mundane tasks, to no avail.
I even tried to drown it. It turns out, it can swim.
yes - see Poe's "Terrible Thought" off of the Haunted Album - I'm just sayin....
I heart u.
You know, I used to own that album, and I loved it intensely. Somehow, it's no longer among my possessions. Methinks I should pick up another copy, and soon.
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