

I've managed not to post for over a week, and I'm so terribly sorry for that, my friends. As free time is lacking in the present, here's the quickest of quick recaps to bring you up to speed...

- My family was in town for a few days. That was exhausting, but fun. We did all the must-see tourist stops, plus Rainier, and I need a long nap to recover. Pictures may follow.
- More major changes are ahead in the workplace. They don't directly impact me, but they do make the ground tremble not to far from me. I'm keeping an eye out.
- Getting to know new people is damn fun, and I should do it more often.

That's all for now!


Unknown said...

I've been avoiding leaving you a comment. Hope you're well.

Unknown said...

At least I am in good company. Life is decent, all things considered. I hope you are also well!

Anonymous said...

Looks like I broke your blog. Sorry.

Unknown said...

Cat, I've tagged you in a meme chain. Go to my blog and see the rules and I hope you'll play along. You can put this URL in your browser to get there:
